Friday, July 1, 2011

Point of Inflection

Some crazy insipid evening full of green, cool breezes and beauty. Walking home from evening sojourn in park. Someone calls my name. Asks to speak to me. I wait for her to catch up.

She catches up, another mild acquaintance in tow and launches into diatribe. Deep embarrassment for companion. Slight grimace of distaste from self. However, what may have been an attempt to cower, turns into verbal spat. I state my case, and my distaste at its public airing when a private conversation may have sufficed, and exit.

Deep indignation at reaching privacy of home. Introspection. Mild seed of enlightenment sown.

Further introspection. Decision to effect change. Beyond wife, mother, daughter, sister- what lies within? What makes me happy? Decide to carve out identity inclusive of these facets, and more. Exploration, experimentation...feel the old surge of adrenalin.. coming back to life an incredible ride.

Thank you screaming banshee.. you have turned my life around. Because I decided to let more into my life than your diatribe. Because I can, and I will.

Because I am not middle aged, and if I was, I would love the wisdom that came with it. Because I am a woman- and my identity can stand on its own legs along with being fleshed out to complete beauty by the roles I perform.

Because I had promised myself to be Ulysses of Tennyson, and had forgotten. Oh the joy of remembering again. Thank you for bringing me to my point of inflection.

"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield"- Ulysses, Tennyson

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